Katelyn DiFede
2 min readOct 5, 2020


Coronavirus in the Bronx Zoo

A blog by Katelyn DiFede

The Bronx zoo animals and workers have been greatly affected by the recent coronavirus outbreak. The zoo can only hold half the capacity, everyone must wear masks/social distance, and they had to close some of the exhibits. I went over the summer and the atmosphere was completely different. The birds of prey section was closed and the lions and tigers were not out for the public to see

This family is practicing social distancing and wearing their masks

Five tigers and three lions at the Bronx Zoo caught Covid- 19 from one of the zookeepers. This caused the zoo to close for a few months and after that event the lions and tigers were not publicly shown at the zoo. They were all coughing, wheezing and would not eat which was very unusual.

This is an image of one of the cats that became infected with the virus

Their tests were made in the lab specifically for animals so human tests were not used on them. This wasn’t very shocking to scientists because the coronavirus did start from an animal, and then jumped to humans. They are still unsure of what different kinds of animals can become infected by it is believed it can be passed on to canines and felines.

I went in July and it was extremely hot. The employees seemed very uncomfortable and so did those that visited the zoo. I was very lightheaded throughout the day due to the mask. Because of this many people resorted to not wearing them. The employees at the park did go around and tell people to put them on but they would take them right off when the employee walked away.

As seen in the image above these ladies are not wearing masks, this occurred often at the Bronx Zoo.

